Wretchard of the Belmont Club displays an informed and enlightened sense of what is happening in the war in Iraq. Proper analysis is in the details; his description of the "big picture" through careful reading of available information and the historic underpinnings of the situation is remarkable.
Read this blog. A better source of information and analysis one would be hard pressed to find.
And the writing is art.
A short sample:
"My first thoughts at the news of the Abu Ghraib abuses, the Taguba Report and the Presidential mea culpa which followed was whether posterity would recall the incident in the same way the Christmas Truce in the first year of the Great War is remembered today. The last grasp at enforcing civilized standards of conduct before the brutality of the trenches coarsened men completely. The fraternization of that first December so alarmed the generals that "special precautions were taken during the Christmases of 1915, 1916 and 1917, even to the extent of actually stepping up artillery bombardments" to prevent its recurrence."
Enjoy. Belmont Club
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