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April 20, 2004



Hm. Asthma attack? Works for me. Welcome home.


Welcome home! I enjoyed your blog.


Thank you for your service, for doing the fighting for all of us here at home. Glad to see you made it back safely.

Old Fat Sailor

Welcome Home! We few we happy few, we band of brothers, and sisters!

williams family

Welcome home Major Pain! Glad to read about you again. God Bless.

Williams family

Violin Duchess

Thank you so very much for serving your country like you do! I enjoy your blog immensely and am glad you are back home safe and sound. God bless. Tootles!


Ahh yes, gotta love CIF.


Hey MAJ - Good to hear you are getting along okay despite all of the adjusting I know you have had to go through. I miss all of you guys from our tent and hope thise finds you well. Thanks for providing us with a morale boost when we needed it.


Hey MAJ - Good to hear you are getting along okay despite all of the adjusting I know you have had to go through. I miss all of you guys from our tent and hope this finds you well. Thanks for providing us with a morale boost when we needed it.


Dear Major,
My girlfriend is a nurse and I'm trying to track her down, she is in Iraq. Anyways, could you e-mail me and maybe you know her personally. She is out of Fort Hood and she was supposed to come home but she's still there and was wounded two weeks ago. God Bless You and thank you for your service. My e-mail address is [email protected].


I've been catching up on reading your blog. I related inmensely to your account of adjustment upon your return. The emotions you experienced are similar to the ones I dealt with post 9-11.

It seems that after a lifetime accumulation of bomb-scares and smoke bombs (I worked in the same building as the Iranian Embassy during the Iranian Hostage crisis) and real explosions (World Trade Cemter '93 and 2001) I am now suffering from Post Traumatic Stress. Although I'm a civilian, I have hit the ground when I hear a truck backfiring. I can only imagine what it must have be like for you when you hear an explosion.

I know that the word "Thank You" is inadequate for all that you've done, continue to do and have sacrificed. Please know that this humble civilian is extremely grateful for your service and though We can never compensate you in any real way, I can pray for you and the men/women of Ft. Hood. Those who returned and those who are currently serving.

My prayers are for your well-being and that of your families.

I do hope that you'll continue writing. You have a wonderful gift for it.

Rebecca Burt

I've really enjoyed your blog - even while I was in Iraq myself it regularly gave me a good giggle ; )
I still pass along the thanksgiving turkey story to all my friends and family! At Camp Virginia, Kuwait where we waited before moving forward into Iraq there were a couple of turkeys that had escaped from the previous thanksgiving - almost a myth, as they were sneaky, but you'd find turkey feathers out in front of the tents every so often.
Anyhow, just wanted to toss a "welcome home" out there too, and to say you've described how it feels to come back perfectly - I haven't been able to put things into words yet on my blog. Our Corps had a big 'welcome home' ceremony for us after returning and did a cannon salute.. well they didn't mention to any of us that they were going to practice the day before the event and half our office dove for cover under our desks. Still, the strangest thing for me was being able to just walk down the street - alone - with no rifle, helmet and flak... I was so nervous for the first few weeks that I'd get an adrenaline rush every time I had to walk the two miles from work to my barracks. "Alone" is something that just doesn't exist over there you know?
Anyhoo - I don't want to yak too much, I just feel like I've known you for a good while and it spurs me to say more. Welcome back to the "real world" soldier. : )

SPC Rebecca Burt
V Corps PAO

Bulletproof Jackets

Our men and women of the armed forces are risking their lives every single day to protect us. Thank you and welcome home!

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