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February 01, 2004


janet in venice beach

a respiratory infection. the final kick in the ass from the land of Iraq. like you needed more queasiness than that bunk gave you. solutio to swaying bunks:triangulate. make diagonal big X's, equally tight, catty corners, on both head and foot and if poss, one side [the side you don't get out on]of the bunk frame. use rope, use wood and nails or screws, use wire.. stop the rectangle from stressing laterally into a parallogram, in any direction.turn it from this l_l
to this
so it doesn't do
this \_\ --- /_/
also can put an X horizontally, just under your platform,
from post to post, and under the lower bunk platform the same.
tighten each line slowly, at the same time, to preserve equal tension. should measure the same in both directions across the X.
looping the line around the posts like a rubber band works, then put a stick in between the two sides of the loop and turn it over and over to twist up the line and tighten to suit. slide a longer stick thru both spots where the twisting sticks turn, to take the place of the twisting sticks, to keep the twist where you want to stop.
loop=O catty corner from post to post*\\.
loop with stick thru it=Ø
twist stick over -X-
numerous times to tighten up loop ////l\\\\
slide longer stick thru same spot to keep twist from coming undone
works best
in the middle, for under platform
really long sticks for bedposts. or the clever person enlists a friend to hold the first twisted stick while you twist the second, and then lashes each to the oppositely slanted line with the leftover trailing pieces thus:
~/~ -§- ~X~ ~X X
remember your girlscout know tying. make those keeper knots easily undodable and redoable for future adjustments.

janet in venice beach

that was, er, 'KNOT' tying

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