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« How to Read a Newspaper | Main | Baghdad, 01/13/04 »

January 04, 2004


John Anderson

Amazing how a large area gets associated with a certain image. I've even heard that outside Ft. Dix and the port cities some of New Jersey is actually quite nice!


Major Pain! I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your accounts of your life in Iraq! It's great to hear that you guys still have a sense of humor through all this. Love the Santa Claus. I can't help but think of "Mash" episodes when I read some of your entries! Keep up the terrific work and hope you are home safe soon!

Sgt Sarky605

Glad you got to see what's out the gates. While in Baghdad, I was lucky enough to go out the perimeter and actually made some $. The younger men kept giving me "gift, gift" of dinars just to be able to touch my bare arm and hair (just wore battle rattle over t-shirt) I was a bit freaked out about this and tried to refuse the "gifts", but didn't want to seem rude. Had a few proposals too...

janet in venice beach

um, sgt sarky605, i take it you must be female.
heh!..and you 'kept' your hair, didn't buzz it off all butch-close.
hee. i can see why those ppor arab guys wanted the chance just to touch your arm or your hair. they are so starved for the sight of normal female company! yeah, hell, I'd have permitted it-in a controlled, one at a time kinda way. i think i woulda have returned the gesture to them, just to be humorous and equal--felt their arms and touched their hair, too! and laughed a lot. show them that american women arent afaid of anything and this is what freedom looks like--you can have it, too!

major pain--
just curious--CNN says two fighter jets dropped a thousand pound bomb on a mortar position by Balad today. did you guys hear/feel it? first such strike since march. if no one told you what it was,--well, that's what it was. don't you just love the fact that i can sit here on the other side of the world, and be able to tell you what happened in your area, when no one who's right where you ARE can tell you?


Very nice site. Will sure visit again.

cheap jordans

*i like this part of the post.I think a lot of people would be surprised how easy it is to start including fine-motor activities in playtime.

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