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Member since 09/2003

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December 24, 2003


Kathy K

We here are the ones who should be thankful. I hope you have a quiet and happy Christmas.


Greetings from Glen Ellyn, IL ( near Chicago).

Merry Christmas to you and your colleages. We are so very grateful that you are there acting on our behalf to promote freedom in Iraq.

Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year 2004.



You are the one to be thanked, you and all the others there with you. Thank you for what you do and for being such a wonderful representative of America. I hope you all have a happy and safe Christmas.


I can do nothing but echo the thanks. Merry Christmas, try to stay safe and dry.


Wishing you a happy and peaceful Christmas, a joyeous and safe New Year!
Please extended our thoughts, blessings and gratitude to the brave who come through your care.


merry christmas - happiness and peace to you!!


may all your Christmas, hanukah and new year's wishes come true.... gd. keep you safe

Matt Miller

Merry Christmas and thanks to each and every one of you guys and gals.


Major Pain,

This may be the first time that I've come across your weblog (though I think I may have seen its title before, elsewhere on the web). I've been to so many blogs since I started my own... I think you have a good site.

I hope that you and yours had a great day, and are having a great holiday season.

Merry Christmas!

And God Bless!!


James, I hope you had a safe and happy holiday. I'm still kicking over here. Can't wait to hear from you agian. Anneli

Wilhelmine Aufmkolk

From Germany A Happy New Year for all soldiers in LSA Anaconda

Dear Soldier,

You do not know us but, we are glad that we can write to you a few lines and so we will wish you from whole heart on a very „unusually place“

a great and good Happy New Year 2004

and hope that you can celebrate your next Christmas at home with your family. You are not alone, we are thinking on you particularly. Take care for you all the time and we hope for you so much that you can go home fast.

We know that you do a great job, a dangerous job, often not easy to do. Often you do not know who is your friend and how is your enemy. We know that your family and a lot of friends they are all waiting for you.

Have a great and a good new 2004, the same for your camrades, and your friends and family. Thank you very much for all you have done for us. Good luck and all the best!


Wilhelmine and Rudolf Aufmkolk, Germany
[email protected]


God, I think I'm gonna vomit..

maj Paine

LOL - Thanks anthony!

williams family

Happy New Year Maj. Pain!

You haven't posted in a while, so we were getting worried. If your up for a big laugh on the first day of the new year, go to and click on the video portion about the bruhaha about the government's advertising on breast feeding vs the AAP. What a hoot! The Lactation Nazis are for the add. The Pediatricians are against scare tactics or coersion in getting women to breast feed.

Here you are, miles away from home where people get shot at daily, and these two groups are worried about how to encourage breast feeding. We thought you might enjoy some lunancy on New Year eve.

Now I'm off to work, to engage in the battle of which hospital will deliver the first baby of the New Year in our area. We won in 2000 and I think 2001, but we lost last year. Th-th-th-th-aht's all folks.

Take care and keep posting.

Williams family


Mickie Cummings

I wish I could hug each and every one of you in the military services and thank you in person for the difficult job you have before you. I can't do that so I write letters and send small packages and pray for your safe return home.I ask GOD to bless you and keep you safe and always in HIS sight.If anyone knows SSG Ramiro A Better,who wrote back to me,I have sent mail to him but it has been returned for wrong address.He can email me at [email protected] I don't want him to think I'm ignoring his letter.
God Bless you all .
Mickie Cummings Fort Walton Beach FLorida

Crystal Myers

my brother is in balad. i just want to wish all of you the BEST! come home soon!

Tracy Marie

I enjoy reading through this informal place. I will surely visit you again to see if anything new appears on it.
Good luck for the future.

Sharon Powers

I would like the name and address of one soldier if possible so I could send him or her a Christmas package.

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