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Member since 09/2003

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October 30, 2003


Rey F. Arbolay

Ma'am, e-mail me with your snail mail address and I'll be happy to send you the puff plus.

williams family

Maj. Pain,

Funny as ever. How did you go from Midwife to current job? We in the NBN love to read your blogs. You need to write more often.

To remedy some of your problems, try a little H202 on those stains. If it's blood, you know it'll come out. You can also probably order "Shout" pocket wipes. It helps in a pinch. For the nose, baby t-shirts if you can find any. I guess you can find big ones and cut them up. What about lap pads? (Clean ones of course!) Have your family send you a tube of Carmex. Great for sore lips and noses.

Take care,

Williams Family

Andrea Matson

What a great web page this is! Thank you, Bear.

I am a college roomate of Major Pain's. I love the nick name.

SSG Ron Burke

Ma'am, enjoyed reading a "highly elaborative and entertaining" story from another theater. I'm in Afghanistan here. Have some of the same things going on....however, Public Affairs here, wish I had time to do something like your little column. Ever heard of "herding cats"? reps act like curious cats that we have to keep track of. Hope you get home soon.


I'm really enjoying reading your blog. I have the cure to your "ring around the collar." Find some cheap dishwashing liquid, that'll do the trick. Even better when combined with baking soda. Squirt the dishwashing liquid right on the ring when you wash, it'll come right out.

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